Sunday, June 1, 2014

New Pipeline

Again with the blah blah I'm a lazy ass yada yada... yep. Anyway, we're back to making beer after a winter in which our wort was more likely to freeze than boil. Thus our time was spent making a lot of shitty-to-mediocre music in our friends basement instead. We got back to brewing sometime in March. Here's what's coming, in chronological order:

Caution! Hop Coffee Imperial Black Ale 
Bottled 12April2014
Resinous and floral hops meet dark fruits and caramel in our fortified black ale. A coffee aroma compliments the scene in a strange way. 9.5% ABV

You Know What I'm Saison II
Secondary 29May2014
Predominantly Saaz hops
Clementines and Black Peppercorn

You Know What I'm Saison III:
Secondary 29May2014
Golding and Citra Hops
Roasted Rhubarb, Orange Zest, and Brown Sugar

Far Away IPA 
Kegged 29May2014
The beer formerly known as Calvin and Melissa are Gay IPA features melon and citrus with a hint of malt in the backbone. 6.5% ABV

Hammock Hefeweizen
 Primary 18May2014
Something something American Hefeweizen.

For now, that is all.